The populations of vulnerable territories are the most exposed to the environmental and social effects of climate change: desertification, food insecurity, economic poverty and climate migration.

In these areas too, young people are called upon to engage locally, in cities and oases, to strengthen the resilience of their communities.

As part of the project “Territoires engagés pour la résilience des oasis” financed by the EU Aid Volunteers initiative, which aims to improve the systemic and civil resilience to climate change in three countries (Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia) through the engagement of young volunteers. The partners AOFEP, ASOC and Tenmiya wanted to refine the assessment of needs through a study aimed at identifying the basis for the involvement of young people at local level in their territories and, in particular, on their involvement in environmental issues (motivations, obstacles, limits).

Understanding their interests, expectations and perceptions of problems related to climate change and sustainable development, we can also understand how associations can better raise awareness and mobilize young people to active engagement in their territories.

In particular, in this webinar, organized by FOCSIV in collaboration with ONG 2.0, we will present :

– The result of a study commissioned by CARI Association in collaboration with CIEDEL on youth participation in Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania;

– The recommendations of young people to local associations and organizations engaged in the Maghreb territories;

– The experience of TERO project partners on how to involve young people on environmental issues in the oases in Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia.

Please note that the Webinar will be in held in French.



What is a webinar?

A webinar, or online seminar, is an interactive meeting on the web where participants can interact with each other and with the reporter via chat, audio, split screen, etc.. This exchange is made possible by a web conferencing system.

What do I need to participate?

All you need is a computer (PC or Mac) or a tablet and an internet connection to participate live in the trainers’ presentations, ask questions and talk, like in a normal public meeting.



Ms. Pascale Vincent is responsible for project, research and training at CIEDEL (Centre International d’Etudes pour le Développement Local), a training institute linked to the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy).  Specialized in territorial development, social change and local land management, she works on many themes: social and territorial innovation, pedagogical engineering, conflict management, partnership, territorial animation, interculturality, local and territorial governance, support to change, gender and rights-based approach, inclusive local development and impact assessment.

Moderator: Daniela Peschiulli – project manager of the TERO project, FOCSIV Programmes Area



You can download here the registration of the webinar and the materials used.