by Focsiv | Jan 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Campus on community risk management in the oases, is an opportunity that allowed all the volunteers, coming from different Maghrib countries (Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania) and France, to identify and manage the problems to which it’s exposed the...
by Focsiv | Dec 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dal 27 novembre al 1° dicembre a Zagora, l’Associazione Oasis Ferkla per l’ambiente e il patrimonio (AOFEP), punto focale della Réseau Associatif de Développement Durable (RADDO) in Marocco, è stata tra i partecipanti alla seconda edizione del Dibattito...
by Focsiv | Nov 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dans le cadre du projet de TERO, Territoire Engagés pour la Résilience des Oasis, financé par l’Union Européenne (UE), et développé au Maroc par l’AOFEP en partenariat avec France Volontaires et d’autres partenaires, l’Association Oasis Ferkla pour l’Environnement et...
by Focsiv | Mar 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
Climate change cannot be the battle of one individual, it is the challange of all of us. This implies that whatever our differences are, we should forget them and join our forces if we want victory to be on our side. Young people must use their intellectual and...