The weekend of 30 November and 1 December 2019 was particularly intense for the dissemination of the results and lessons learned for FOCSIV within the TERO project.
The morning of 30 November was dedicated, in particular, to the Round Table on “Climate Justice: the contribution of international cooperation and civil commitment of territories“, within the event “Volunteers for sustainable development: climate change and resilience”. An intense morning that saw the participation of 81 people, representing 37 volunteering and environmental protection associations and institutions.

The morning’s agenda was particularly rich, with several speakers and experts bringing their contribution to the topic of international volunteering and its role towards global challenges, in particular to climate change.

At the end of the morning, there was also the award ceremony of the winner of the TERO Photo Contest on the theme of climate action. Mr. Raphael Pouget, a VSI volunteer in Mauritania, received the prize. A recorded video testimony of thanks was sent by him to use during the ceremony in Italy.