The TERO project aims to strengthen the resilience of communities toward climate change. Young volunteers are the central actors of the project.
Capacity building
Building up the capacity of partner organizations in North Africa about the involvement of volunteers in their activities and governance.
Volunteer training on the prevention of risks from disasters.
Development of partnerships
Development of partnerships with youth and environmental protection organizations in the areas of intervention.
Community awareness on oases on the means of combating climate change.
Tero Project
The project lasts two years, from March 2018 to February 2020. The activities are carried out in:
Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia.
EU Aid Volunteers
This project is co-funded by the European Union for the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.
EU Aid Volunteers
This project is cofinanced by the European Union for the initiative of the European voluntary humanitarian aid Corps – EU Aid Volunteers
Sustainable Development
The TERO project – Territoires Engagés pour la Résilience des Oasis (Territories Engaged for the Resilience of the Oases) intends to promote the achievement of 17 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) in particular objective No. 13 on climate action.
Calendar of events
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february, 2025
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Let’s use water, but without overusing it
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